Michele Ardu


What is your background?

I studied Biomedical Engineering at the University of Cagliari (Italy). After I graduated I moved to London to work in different industries until I could settle and establish myself in the Photography business.

What kind of photography do you most identify with?

I most identify with documentary photography.

Explain your style in 100 words

I love simple images, well composed and with a strong emotional impact. I am quite minimalist handling the light, as light and one subject are very often all you need to take a great picture which tells a story. In general, I love to shoot with natural light, wide lenses and being very close to my subjects. It gives the feeling to be “right there”, and it allows you to get the intimacy that you can hardly catch being not close enough.

How did your style change over time?

The style of a photographer is a clear reflection, his emotional sensitivity, reaction to the ambient and inputs, personal growth and technical competencies. Even if certain aspects of a photographer’s style almost never change, other details are very much influenced by the context and environment where the shoot takes place, affecting very much the style of the images.

When did you discover your passion for photography?

I have always been interested in art and communication, but my real interest in photography started only during my studies at the university. In 2007, I bought my first camera and after several years working with photography aside of other full-time jobs, it became my full-time occupation, on the 1st May 2014….

What is your dream project?

I would love to work with charities, shooting important social issues. I will feel very satisfied when I know that my photography (what I love to do the most in life) can make people aware of issues around the globe and somehow help other people’s lives.

What would you do without photography?

I am an engineer, I worked for many years in hospitality and I love nature, farming, and horses…Maybe I would become a sheep shepherd… or a food critic (with a succulent Instagram feed…). 🙂

Is there one photograph of yours that you are very proud of? Why?

A picture I took in Angkor Wat in 2013. I was strolling through the temples when I passed a door frame on my left-hand side. I stepped back, looked outside the magic atmosphere… temples, green grass, bushes, palms and the sunrise light. I set my camera, focused, shoot only one image, checked the screen and restart my tour. That picture was then published by different editors, but what made me the proudest was that it was selected for an assignment on YourShot-National Geographic and beautifully commented by Monica C. Corcoran (Director, Your Shot). It was my first publication on NG and the fact that I received the email from National Geographic on the 24th December 2013, also helped me to spend a lovely Christmas! 🙂

What is your most important gadget? Is there something you can’t live without in your studio?

My bag of ideas.

What was your first camera?

Canon 400D with a Canon 18-55mm lens

What role does the photographer have in society?

Photography nowadays is everywhere. It’s definitely changing on a large scale it’s original function and form. It’s information, advertising, art, fun, explanation and overall self-promotion. Everybody takes pictures on a daily basis… which is amazing and it heavily reflects on the market, making photographers’ lives sometimes easier and sometimes much harder. I believe it all is positive, but my only concern in a way is the scary velocity on which photography technology is growing now.

You can contact Michele here