
Top Awarded Editorial Photographies from IPA 2023

Immerse yourself in the extraordinary talent showcased in this article, curated by the acclaimed winners of the 2023 International Photo Awards (IPA). This exclusive collection underscores the power of editorial photography, featuring stunning and thought-provoking works from both professional and amateur photographers worldwide.

Submit your finest work to our competition for a chance to win up to $10,000 in cash prizes, be selected for the IPA exhibition in New York, and be featured in the Annual IPA book. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain international recognition and join an esteemed community of photographers.

orange desert on film

The last smile for Ukrainian dad

Daniel Ceng

14 year old Alexandria (Front-right), accompanied by her mother, smiles as she touches her father, who was a Ukrainian soldier who fought on Kharkiv’s frontline and was killed during a fight against Russian soldiers, for the last time, during his funeral service in Dnipro, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Father of Alexandria was found dead on 8 May, a day before the Russian Victory Day. But Alexandria says smile may conquer the pain of losing her loved one as she is a brave Ukrainian. Many Ukrainian families are to continue on their life, with no dad, husbands or brothers.


In the Valley of Death: African Palm and Mining Companies Murder Environmentalists in Honduras

Seth Berry

For over a decade peasant activists and water and land defenders in the Aguan Valley have been terrorized, threatened, and murdered at an alarming rate. Most of the killings have been attributed to the Dinant Corporation (African Palm) and Pinares iron mine. With little to no help from a corrupt government, these large corporations are operating with complete impunity in their crimes while peasants who try to protect their land and rights are killed to be kept silent. In Honduras, the deadliest place for environmentalists per capita, the Aguan Valley, could be considered “The Valley of Death”.


trees on black and white film
monument valley on black and white film

Oh Hell, My Paradise

David Odisho

As a photojournalist, I embarked on a mission covering the largest wildfires throughout Northern California over the last three years. Beyond the pursuit of harrowing visuals, the confluence of such colossal wildfires stands as a chilling testament to the urgency of our global climate crisis. Each wildfire I witnessed echoed the ominous truth that our planet is on a precipice, teetering perilously towards irreversible consequences. Through my lens, I sought to amplify the human toll and ecological devastation inflicted by these blazes, aiming to ignite a collective awakening.

Syrian earthquake

Karam Al-Masri

On 6 February 2023, a series of massive earthquakes struck south-eastern Turkey and northwest Syria. These and hundreds of aftershocks caused significant destruction on each side of the border, claiming thousands of lives across both countries and damaging essential infrastructure, including health facilities. These have been some of the strongest earthquakes to hit the region in a century.


two elder man standing in a lake
half naked balck man sitting with a flower in his hand

Twyla Tharp

Chris Sorensen


Iconic dancer/choreographer Twyla Tharp photographed in her New York City home.


Cattle of Kings

Karolina Wojtasik


These are the more environmental portraits from the South Sudan project. Usually captured at sunrise or sunset when the Ankole-Watusi cattle were brought in or out of camp.

three childreb playing in the garden
black and white landscape on film

Ukraine’s War

Wolfgang Schwan


In early January, 2022 I traveled to eastern Ukraine for the first time with the intention of covering an environmental story. Instead I found myself covering daily life in the trenches of Donbas for the next two months. Over this time I developed a deep appreciation for the hospitality and generosity of Ukrainians. I decided to stay once the war broke out on Feb. 24 and work covering breaking news and daily life throughout 2022. This story is an overview of my coverage spanning eight months in Ukraine in 2022.

The Blue Fig

Mohammad Rakibul Hasan


Bangladesh, the world’s largest delta, is a direct victim of global warming. Increased natural disasters like cyclones and oceanic tidal waves affect Bangladesh’s coastal area. The coastal lowlands of this country have millions who, ironically, depend on the sea for their livelihood. As rising sea levels and unusually high tidal waves encroach the lowlands of Bangladesh, the coastal areas face increased salinity. Fishing communities in Bangladesh report that the availability of many local species has declined with the silting up of river beds, changes in temperature, and earlier flooding.

taxi going up on a hill
black and white photo of a grandfather


Lodon Bridge Is Down

Antonio Denti


The Queen is dead. The Royal sailors, not the elite corps, escort the coffin. The ancient ritual, so out of time, is surprisingly powerful. Like all rituals, made so that the people can see. See that the world stood the shock and is ready to enter the unknown smoothly, peacefully. Everything flows around the ritual: the procession, the mighty army, the endless queue. People seem hungry for meaning and stability. Only behind their many eyes, as if peeking through somebody’s windows, one can catch a hint of it: history’s frightening turmoil, the cold wind of unstoppable change.


HM Queen Elizabeth II

Douglas Vernimmen


Portrait of HM The Queen Elizabeth II. The photo was taken during a visit at the University of Oxford.

boat hire on film