Un sacrificio al di sopra di barriere religiose e politiche

  • Photographer
    Giancarlo Rupolo
  • Date of Photograph
    11 /Luglio 2015
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D700-Tamron SP 24-70f2,8

A SACRIFICE THROUGH RELIGIOUS BARRIERS AND POLICIES Potter a Catholic buried alongside Muslims. In the memorial cemetery of Potocari, near Srebrenica (Bosnia), more than 6 thousand people are buried all Muslim Bosniaks except one: Hren (Aleksandar) Rudolf. Just so does the marble stele, imprinted on a cross, to remember this boy who defended Srebrenica from the aggression of his Serb-Bosnian fellow countrymen. Hern, a Serbian Catholic who lived in Srebrenica with his brother (dead at the beginning of siege), was fighting alongside the fellow citizens and friends with whom he had lived until that moment, even though they were of Muslim faith. Probably Hern Alexander Rudolf was killed between 11 and 16 July 1995 when the first genocide in history was committed in the heart of Europe since the end of World War II. After his remains were discovered in a common pit, his mother said, "He died with them, let him rest with them."

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