A young lady with her kitten

  • Photographer
    marzena isik
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
    june 2023
  • Technical Info
    iso 100 , f 2.4 , 1/125

The young lady is delighted with her new kitten. She named her Daisy. They spend their days playing and exploring together. The kitten loves chasing after balls and pouncing on anything that moves. The lady is always there to cheer her on and give her plenty of cuddles. They share a special bond of love and companionship. When the lady is sad, Daisy curls up by her side, offering comfort and warmth. They are inseparable and bring joy to each other's lives. Whether it's napping in the sun or going on adventures, the young lady and her kitten

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