• Photographer
    Javier Sanchez-Monge Escardo
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
    5/5/2011 – 12:58:10 AM
  • Technical Info
    1/30 sec; f/5.6; ISO 800

The love and understanding of children can play an essential role into making severely traumatized acid survivors believe and reintegrate into life again. Prematurely, they will gain insight into the world they live in, and will become protective of their beloved. If blinded, they will become their eyes, if afraid they will reassure them, if sad they will give them love and understanding. On a modern society in which physical beauty plays such an essential role discriminates or stigmatizes acid victims because of the way they look like, their children will learn to give them love for who they are.


Love is perhaps the only and most beautiful emotion present in the human beings which has the power to counteract and heal the consequences of hate and specially when an acid attack is a consequence of it.
The following image series intends to depict how the love and understanding of some children can play an essential role into making severely traumatized acid survivors believe and reintegrate into life again.
Prematurely, the children of acid victims will gain some fast insight into the world they live in, and will become extremely protective of their beloved. If blinded, they will become their eyes, if afraid they will give them reassurance, if sad or depressed they will give them love and understanding. As well, when a modern society in which physical beauty plays such an essential role discriminates or stigmatizes acid victims because of the way they look like, their children will learn to give them love for who they are.
Very often, the children of acid survivors represent some of the social values which will be lost as soon as they grow up into a modern society were the established social values will greatly differ from theirs.
Acid attacks remain one of the cruelest assaults a human being can inflict upon another and are aimed to disfigure, maim, torture or kill the victims. The consequences can range from a permanent physical and psychological damage to a social stigmatization and discrimination of the victim as a result of a severe body disfigurement.

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