Italy is out

  • Photographer
    Mario Badagliacca
  • Company/Studios
    Free lance
  • Date of Photograph

What does being Italian abroad today? Th project explores the migration of Italians across time and space. The purpose of this photographic essay is to invite the exploration of common background elements leading Italians to migrate and to explore the specific characteristics of migration contexts. The key to read these movements should be found in historical and social issues, across many generations of Italians abroad. The intent of the project is to collect stories of life involving Italian communities and individuals belonging to different generations. The approach starts from the idea of multiple and diverse crossings/affiliations and the adjustment and integration strategies of Italians abroad between past and present. This approach would incentivize a reflection about the idea of ‘italianita' perhaps over determined by stereotypes. The research is part of the AHRC-funded project 'Transnationalizing Modern Languages: Mobility Identity and Translation in Modern Italian Cultures' involving researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Cardiff, Queen Margaret, St Andrews, and Warwick.

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