The Duel

  • Photographer
    Sonalini Khetrapal
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    1/1250 sec at F/4.0, ISO 100

Etosha National Park in Namibia is a visual treat - The open and arid landscape combined with the changing colors of the 'etosha pan' are truly stunning. To photograph zebras with their striking coats across this backdrop was the goal of my last trip. This image was captured at a water hole - the zebras arrived in a file to quench their mid morning thirst. All of a sudden there was chaos and thick dust clouds blinded our vision. Within moments, two male zebras emerged from the dust, landing heavy blows at each other with their hooves and heads. The duel lasted only a few minutes but it gave me an opportunity to capture this heavily charged moment, between otherwise peaceful animals.

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