The Wonderland Book

  • Photographer
    Kirsty Mitchell
  • Company/Studios
    Kirsty Mitchell Photography
  • Date of Photograph
    Published December 2015
  • Technical Info
    Shot using Nikon D800

The Wonderland Series spans the 7 years since my mother died from cancer in 2008. In the months that followed, I suffered severe depression and found myself retreating to an alternative existence through the portal of my camera. This escapism grew into the concept of creating a book dedicated to her, that would echo the fragments of the fairy tales she read to me constantly as a child. The characters are not a recreation of anything that already exists - I wanted to create new pieces that people could project their own ideas on to and lose themselves in. The book comprises of 74 large scale photographs in which I hand made all the costumes, props and sets. Alongside the pictures, the book also contains 6 years of my personal journal that explains the development and meaning of the works, as well as the emotions I experienced behind the lens.

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