The Evolution of Ivanpah Solar

  • Photographer
    Jamey Stillings
  • Company/Studios
    Jamey Stillings Photography
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Published by Steidl

In this book by Steidl, published in late 2015, Jamey Stillings synthesizes his environmental interests with a long-held fascination for the intersections of nature and human activity. In October 2010, before construction commenced, Stillings began a three-and-a-half year aerial exploration over what has become the world’s largest concentrated solar power plant, the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in the Mojave Desert of California. From the stark terrain of the pre-construction landscape to the angular forms of the completed solar plant with the capacity to produce 392 megawatts of electricity on 14 square kilometers of public land, Stillings explores transformative interactions between raw natural forms and the project’s precise geometric lines. Publisher: Steidl Designer: David Chickey Text: Robert Redford, Anne Wilkes Tucker, Bruce Barcott, Jamey Stillings

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