Wet and Wild

  • Photographer
    Nino Jim Bacalso
  • Company/Studios
    MRJ Bacalso
  • Date of Photograph
    14 April 2016
  • Technical Info
    Fujifilm X-Pro 2 / 18-135 WR

On 14 April 2016, I went to Yangon challenging myself to go to the extreme and be part of the crowd revelry playing with water. I said to myself that I would be willing to sacrifice myself and my camera just to capture a good perspective and composition of the event. I move around the city the whole day documenting and taking part in the event. It was a joy to witness how the locals respect each other despite the amount water splashed on them. You could see big smiles on their faces while they were busy dancing, singing, drinking beer and splashing water on each other in the streets. The people of Myanmar spent the week in festivities while having purification as part of the cultural celebration of New Year. Unfortunately my camera did not last long to witness another year in Myanmar.


The series of photos were taken during my travel in Yangon, Myanmar last April 2016 in time for the celebration of Thingyan Water Festival. I documented it using my Fuji x-pro2 camera. Thingyan Water Festival is a week-long cultural activity in preparation for the New Year which normally falls on a Sunday. During the festival, people splash water on each other as a part of ritual cleansing for the coming new year.

It was really a challenged. I plunged myself into the wet streets of Yangon with my camera ready to capture the fun and excitement of this yearly event. Witnessing the local people enjoying the festivities with dances and songs while splashing water on each other was a once in a lifetime experience. The moments I have captured are treasures which I want to share to the world. I never regret that my partner- my camera, did not last long to celebrate the New Year.

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