Bajuni people

  • Photographer
    Gianfranco Ferri
  • Company/Studios

The Bajuni people are a minority ethnic group mainly residing on the Bajuni Islands and surrounding coastal areas including the northern coast of Kenya.The Bajuni principally inhabit the tiny Bajuni Islands in the Indian Ocean. Many also traditionally reside in Kenya, mainly in Mombasa and other towns in that country's Coast Province.The population's members trace their origins to diverse groups; primarily coastal Bantu and Khoisanoid hunter-gather groups, as well as later additions such as Arab, Persian and Cushitic immigrants. Some also have Indonesian ancestry. The Bajuni follow the laws of Islam to conduct their affairs. Almost all are Shafite Muslims. Their lives revolve around the mosque and daily prayer. In the course of saying five prayers a day, they also wash at least five times. Every Muslim parent insists on giving his child the basic Islamic education.

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