Tokyo Tenements, a Place Behind the Waves of Times

  • Photographer
    Makoto Kawakami
  • Date of Photograph
    Aug, 2014-Jun, 2016
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D810

Mr. Goro Kotani has lived in this tenement since he was born in 1950 in Edagawa, Tokyo. The place was built on reclaimed ground in 1928. At first, nobody lived in the place. It was described as a ‘dead-soil-place’. The tenements was built by the public authorities in 1941 when the Tokyo Government. There was a reasons for building the tenements : to provide public housing for the Korean community living in Tokyo. The government attempted to exert control over this community by locating them in one place. Edagawa was the perfect location. But now, Edagawa has been included in the economic redevelopment of waterfront areas along Tokyo Bay in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.The house has a history of people living in poverty and discrimination. However, now there is a danger this building and its story of this hidden chapter in history might be silenced forever.

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