Flying Eagle

  • Photographer
    Eriko Kaniwa
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
    Jan. 2016
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D810

Japanese mythology has an eagle god, appearing in the "Nihon Shoki" and "Kogo Shui" as "Amenohiwashi-no-kami". Our ancestors likely felt a special respect for large birds like eagles and hawks. Within today’s urban culture, there is little opportunity to directly experience this feeling of respect for wild eagles. The fletching on the arrows used in Shinto ceremony and Japanese archery offer a small glimpse, but the Hokkaido eagle in these images treated me to a show of many dignified poses. Constantly looking down on a vast swath of earth as they move across the sky, freely using their powerful ability to processing all that information, eagles exist in an entirely different dimension than humans. For Japan, the eagle is a symbol of the great power of nature that has existed since ancient times.

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