In The Fields of the North

  • Photographer
    David Bacon
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    book of photographs

In the Fields of the North / En los Campos del Norte is an intensive look at farm workers, documenting work life, living conditions, culture and migration. These photographs are taken from a book of over 300 images. The conditions of farm workers have deteriorated since the 1970s and 80s. Wages are less than half. Families live cramped in single rooms, in cars, and even sleeping under trees. They work, often bent double for hours in extreme heat, breathing dust and pesticides. At the same time, people have transplanted the unique cultures of their home communities, where language, dance, music and food holds people together and preserves their identity. These workers provide the labor that produces the fruits and vegetables eaten by most Americans, and these photographs make these invisible communities visible.

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