Flying in the air

  • Photographer
    Alexander Malyzhenkov
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Canon 1dx, EF 70-200 f/2.8

Photographs are taken at the equestrian horse shows in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, in 2017. Most riders have very high standards regarding the horse and their position, as well as timing of the photograph. Using Canon 1dx with 12 frame per second helps a lot but still requires a lot of skills to capture the right moment. State of the art focusing system in this camera is still not fast enough to track the horse motion on the fly. The secret is focusing on the jump, and waiting for the rider and the horse to pull the trigger. The state of the art in horse photography is combining this technique with being invisible for the horse and rider, do not move fast around the arena, but always be in the good spot. Capturing a fantastic jump with a spectacular background is priceless, for everything else there is MasterCard...

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