Dancer in test

  • Photographer
    Eleonora Rossi
  • Date of Photograph
    May 2015
  • Technical Info
    Film Kodak 400 colour 35 mm

On its way Eleonora Rossi collects photographic works from the most recent projects developed around his deep and constant research for absolute truth through photography. The project has taken on film 35mm Kodak 400 colour, and it is entirely devoted to Angela, a three year girl, and it is dedicated to all those moments of play, moments of happiness and joy, becoming one with hers, in a multitude of sensations and emotions that bring to a state of well being, where the main element is the freedom of movement and the expression of bodies. The author is always careful to the visual balance of the elements that make up the image, and she uses consciously colours as a poetic track. The right angle, which ensures the best light for what the artist wants to communicate to us, is used by the artist to get a real emotion, a strong visual impact.

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