I am Vertical

  • Photographer
    Alexandra Serrano
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    medium format colour film

‘I am Vertical’ is a conceptual body of work exploring identity issues through appearances memories and the relationship between reality and fiction.


The series forms a subjective narrative in which each photograph functions as an allegory of a specific feeling such as those of loneliness, deception and escapism, all expressed through the staging of various inanimate objects.
‘I am Vertical’ is based on my childhood and aims at representing this particular period of time during which family relationships were extremely tensed and often conflicting.
The latter focuses particularly on the rivalry between mother and daughter and the rejection of the maternal to which such primitive hostility inevitably leads to. In such a situation, the natural bond that united mother and child has been disrupted and as a result, the daughter questions her position within a family from which she feels rejected and to which she can no longer identify herself to.
‘I am Vertical’ works as a self-analysis, a reflection on frustrating times and the claustrophobia of family life. Although very personal, this project makes direct references to traditional psychoanalytic theories, most particularly Freud’s Oedipal dynamics and Carl Jung’s Electra Complex which have shaped our understanding of family relationships and early infantile anxiety.

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