Nehru Nagar

  • Photographer
    Albertina d'Urso
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
    December 2009

Nehru Nagar, the only slum area in Vile Parle, in the seventies was just a colony of few hundreds lepers living in arranged huts. Now it count 50000 people, has electricity, paved alleys, briks and cement houses and every kind of shops and activities. As for all the slums in Mumbai, Nehru Nagar is planned to be demolished, but the inhabitants don't want to mouve in the popular buildings that the governament is preparing for tham. Even if their place is poor and overpopulated they consider it a nice neighborhood where they have everything they need.


Nehru Nagar is the only slum area in Vile Parle, it lies abusivly in a ground belonging to the airport and, probably for its convenient location, near to the train station and in a subburb where a lot of jobs are offered from the large amount of construction sites, had an amazing development in the last years.

"The first time I came here was in 1975 - says Veenod of Vimala Dermatological Centre - and there was just the few hundreds leprosy patients of which we were taking care, living in rudimental huts. Now it count 50000 people, coming from all over India, has electicity, paved alleys, bricks and cement houses and every kind of shops and activities."

As for all the other slums in Mumbai, Nehru Nagar is planned to be demolished, but the inhabitants don't want to mouve in the popular buildings that the governament is preparing for tham. Even if Nehru Nagar is still poor and overpopulated, they consider it a nice neighborhood where they have everything they need.

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