Mr.Fox and Miss Dog

  • Photographer
    Simon Chien
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    simon studio
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    F7.1, 1/320sec, ISO100, 35mm

Fox and dog are two similar appearance animals, they fight for their want world. A world in the dream, even all people and condition was so cruel for them, they still believe each other and forward. Just like any mankind, they have difference color, difference country. They have right to search they want they life.


Fox and dog are two similar appearance animals, they fight for their want world.
A world in the dream, even all people and condition was so cruel for them, they still believe each other and forward.
Just like any mankind, they have difference color, difference country. They have right to search they want they life.

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