The Trek (Photobook)

  • Photographer
    Chan Dick
  • Prize
    3rd Place / Book/Nature
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Shot with a Hasselblad camera, printed using Sagan GA, Tablo, and MTA+FS paper.

Inside the human body is a hidden landscape, an incredible sight to behold. Switch on your imagination and look: isn't that a flower, a tree, a river valley? Did you spot the contour of a mountain, or the mouth of a volcano, the origin of life as some would describe it to be? Whatever you see - a piece of lace fabric, an unknown planet, or even a flying spaceship - they all come from human anatomical specimens of ages gone, of times past, but somehow still invigorated with life. Each piece is unique, leading viewers on a trek to rediscover our extraordinary body that is a universe in itself.

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