Fighters they Bleed

  • Photographer
    Eija Mäkivuoti
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Digital images

A photo documentary about a metal band from Faroe Islands, called SIC. Through the band member's everyday life, and through their struggle to become international musicians, takes form a picture of a way of life on the Faroe Islands and it's modern culture. It's 1000 year-old-culture is still the very core of their, and yet still so modern, identity. SIC is a creature that give them will and hope to survive, in a harsh land, no matter what - on the borderline of two Nordic countries and their cultures (Faroe Islands are a self governing region under the kingdom of Denmark). A "We-mentality " is intensified between us, because we, I and SIC, belong to a subculture that brings us together through a love for metal music. In this community the barriers between language, culture and geography are gradually decreasing. On one plane we live in the same world, and we are the same but yet different through history and location.

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