
  • Photographer
    Frank Kunert
  • Prize
    2nd Place / Book/Fine Art
  • Company/Studios
    Frank Kunert
  • Date of Photograph
    2013 - 2017
  • Technical Info
    Photographs of miniature models, large format 4" x 5"

In "Lifestyle", Frank Kunert affectionately reduces everyday life to the absurd. The artist - a tinkerer of the highest caliber - constructs miniature scenes as unhabited as they are accurate in every detail, which he immortalizes using a large-format analogue camera. These "Small Worlds", as he calls his tiny cabinets of wonder, are situated somewhere between the grotesque and the metaphysical. The fact that they depict serious matters - unfulfilled hopes, failure, even death - with a light touch is what constitutes their charm and aluure.

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