God's Garden

  • Photographer
    Arete Edmunds
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Kevin O Connor A truly remarkable place, well worth the wait. A lovely photograph.

    Lisa Kunst

  • Company/Studios
    Arete Edmunds Fine Art and Artline Photography
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Canon EOS 5D Mark II, ISO, 100, 45mm, F20

God's Garden is a very special image for me. Since I came across this location back in the early 2000, I had wanted to visit Charleston to capture this scene. It took more then 15 years to finally make it to the Magnolia Gardens which I visited in 2018. The morning I captured this image, our tour had access the park before it opened. Not many cameras around so I headed right to this location before it was swarmed. My luck had it that there was soft breeze and a small drizzle of rain and the rain had stopped just as I started to set up the camera and the fog was creeping across.

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