Cities Memories

  • Photographer
    Sue Vo-Ho
  • Company/Studios
    Sue Vo-Ho Photographe
  • Date of Photograph
    Series : Between 1999 and 2018
  • Technical Info
    1/250, f11, ISO 400, Kodak T-Max,

The memories fade over time from my memory.Photography,has always helped me remember events, faces, places. When an image is not captured by a camera, my memories become unreal.This project is a research work on the fragmentary, elusive and interlace memories that are created as a result of the exploration of a city.It shows the images that would have been written in my memory if I had not brought a camera during my travels To invent a memory, I digitized negatives of the same city that I then superposed using software.The anonymous characters,help to support the idea of ​​erasing the memory.

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