Hope in a Burned Plantation

  • Photographer
    Jo-Anne McArthur
  • Company/Studios
    We Animals Media
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Camera: Nikon D4S F-stop: f/5.6 Exp. time: 1/500 secs ISO: 2500 Focal length: 400mm No flash

In early 2020, Jo-Anne flew to Australia to document the stories of animals affected by the devastating wildfires and the rescue efforts of those helping them. This eastern grey kangaroo and her joey pictured near Mallacoota, Victoria, were among the lucky ones. The kangaroo barely took her eyes off Jo-Anne as she walked calmly to the spot where she could get a great photo. She had just enough time to crouch down and press the shutter release before the kangaroo hopped away into the burned eucalyptus plantation. An estimated three billion animals were killed or displaced in fires that season.

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