Looking to the Heavens

  • Photographer
    Brian Wotring
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Juan Curto A statement against the dictator Putin

  • Date of Photograph
    February 27, 2022
  • Technical Info
    1/250 sec, ISO 200, 70mm, Nikon Z6ii

Color is often the tool used to show support. Whether it is an illness, or in the case of Ukraine, a war, color is the medium in which we express our thoughts, feelings, and position on a matter. Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, hundreds of Ukrainian Americans and supporters took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to petition President Biden for economic and military support. The result was a sea of blue and yellow outside the White House. This is an image I took while rally goers were praying to the heavens for support and the colorful Ukrainian flag was rallying the free world.

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