The Argi Yossi Fish Shop: A Story About Love, Loss and Fish

  • Photographer
    Maya Hed
  • Company/Studios
    Maya Hed Photography
  • Date of Photograph
    December 15th, 2021

Argi’s fishmongery is more than a store, it’s a tale of overcoming grief.Argi has been selling fish since he was 15, and ran two successful shops. In 1993 he sold them and retired, but it didn’t last. His son Yossi opened his own fish store, and brought him on as a consultant. In 2007, while working beside his father, Yossi suffered a fatal heart attack. He was 27 years old. Faced with this tragedy, Argi decided to keep the store open in Yossi’s honor. He now asks that customers call him Yossi, and doing so always brings a smile to his face.In sharing this, I hope to help honor Yossi’s memory.

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