Raviv: The Wonderful Wizard of Spices

  • Photographer
    Maya Hed
  • Company/Studios
    Maya Hed Photography
  • Date of Photograph
    February 28th, 2022

Welcome to Raviv’s realm of the finest spices, oils, herbs and more. His customers range from amateurs to Michelin-star chefs. Entering Raviv’s store is a sensory experience - the scents of spices from all around the world, the warm red light, the music, all make you forget the outside world. This is exactly what he had in mind when he opened the store 17 years ago. Raviv is known as the sage of spices, an expert on every item in his kingdom. He is also proud of his heritage; Yemeni cookware adorns the shop, and he even drums traditional Yemenite tunes on a tin box.

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