VOODOO WRESTLERS: The Catch Fétiche of Kinshasa

  • Photographer
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Date of Photograph
    24 July 2022
  • Technical Info
    s 1/60, ISO 8000, f5, Full Frame

In the overpopulated and overwhelming suburbs of the Congolese capital, hidden behind decaying buildings, deafening traffic and ever-moving crowds, a unique form of wrestling has become a local favorite. Drawing huge crowds going wild, the winner is announced only after the final …spell is cast. An eye-popping spectacle of magic spells, wrestling techniques, splatter details and a cheerful crowd, all blended together in a strange fusion of absolute fun! Choreographed fights or demonstration of witchcraft? Catch, pageantry, Voodoo or surrealism? It sure is the Congolese adaptation of wrestling

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