Defeat for Women

  • Photographer
    Karen Ghostlaw-Pomarico
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Pictorial-List Magazine
  • Date of Photograph
    June 24, 2022
  • Technical Info
    Leica 10-P, 35mm Summilux, ISO 200

News came hard June 24, 2022, Defeat for Women depicts the reaction to news of the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe vs Wade negating the federal constitutional right to an abortion. In hours 17,000 people gathered in NYC’s Washington Square Park, calling for liberty, demanding free choice, insisting on basic human rights for women. Defeat is the seed for change, creating the power to motivate and communicate. The common scars we bear become inspiration to create a better future. Soundtrack of protest, and light strand representing the genetic link we share as women accompany the book.

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