
  • Photographer
    Gazelle Pezeshkmehr
  • Prize
    3rd Place / Fine Art/Other
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Hiroshi Osaka It's interesting how you expressed your insomnia, your chaotic mental state, and your inner world with a unique and mysterious world view. It was a very interesting work for me.

  • Company/Studios
    Gazelle Pezeshkmehr Billedkunst
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Cropped sensor, 18-35mm, f/1,8, ISO 160-200, composite photography

Once I suffered with insomnia for months. Eventually my mind actually tipped over, and I stepped into an alternate reality, i.e. a psychosis. Years later I find myself having unresolved issues with that experience, and a profound fascination over the concept of sleep itself. Each night we enter a lucid coma for hours, slipping through the veil of reality and undergoing bizarrely interwoven hallucinations, then usually awakening to a partly amnesia on the entire experience. I formed a fragmented language through that exposure, and I need to translate that visually.

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