Blue Ice

  • Photographer
    Vicky Stromee
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Vicky Stromee Photography
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D850 full frame AFS 70-200 lens

I am taken by the magic of the soft curves, dimples, and deep ridges impressed into the dense blue ice of Antarctica. Blue from fallen snow, so compressed that only this surreal color is reflected back to my eye, the icebergs’ fantastical shapes are on a grand scale, repeated again and again in the small recesses of the ice. Scarred by the actions of water, wind, waves, and weather, I reflect on my own weathered life. Antarctica is one of the harshest climates on earth and yet such beauty abounds. Each image in the series catches a momentary permutation of those transformations.

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