I Wanna Be That G.A.Y.

  • Photographer
    Jun Hao Lim
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • University/School
    University of The Arts London
  • Date of Photograph
    Jan 2023
  • Technical Info
    Shot on the Mamiya RB67 and Minolta X570 with Kodak Porta 160, 400 and Kodak Ultramax 400

The gay rights movement encourages gay people to live openly gay lives. While coming out may be liberating for some, it also incurs a divide between open and closeted people, creating new hurdles within the community internally. Self-stereotyping is one of these hurdles and is evident in many dating sites such as Tinder, Grindr, and Hinge, where there is the option to include personal statistics such as height, weight, and body type. Do categories help people find unity in preference? Or is it just a hypocritical form of division from a community based on openness and acceptance?

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