Mapping Time

  • Photographer
    Emily Hlavac Green
  • Prize
    2nd Place / Analog / Film/Other
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Irina Chmyreva, PhD. The project Mapping Time is highly attracted: pure photography, beautiful, like silk embroidery, simple and light but for precised reading you'd better know the medieval corpus of language of flowers.

    Chris Peters

  • Date of Photograph
    2020 - ongoing
  • Technical Info
    Mamiya 645 with Portra 400 film, shutter speed & aperture various

The outside world has never been more alluring, calling from the windows, stretching it’s fingers of light inside and pulling my mind out with it. I talk to my plants, I watch the leaves unfurl. I buy myself flowers from the bodega just to watch them die because their decay maps time in a way that the days of the week no longer do. Plants become my language, a way to speak about human connection and contradiction. Rooting ourselves so deeply we are stuck, having desire for the unknown yet finding comfort in routine. We grow together to the point of coming apart. Hopeful, hopeless.

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