Irina Chmyreva, PhD. If they comment Simpsons as a form of escape: absurdity and comic create a distant between viewer (at the side of artist, shoulder to shoulder, brother) and reality. Work by Verena Prenner has the same artistic nature: when you're laughing till tears nobody can recognize that chemistry of your tears consists fears or started when you've been scared
After studying sociology, Verena Prenner moved in a Palestinian refugee camp, where she carried out sociological field research. The daily routine was shaped by Muslim culture or religion, a life between Haram and Halal, the forbidden and the allowed. The individual leeway in between is minimal, especially for women. Her entry into the camp as a single woman was met with great astonishment among the residents. She was soon considered an Israeli or Palestinian spy and an inferior woman. At some point she decided to start this photo project. But soon came the big question: "What do you show?"