Photos and haikus inspired by a forest

  • Photographer
    paul meller
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
    1. IMG_0238.JPG April 13 2020 ; 2. IMG_6910.HEIC Jan 31 2022 ; 3. IMG_9663.HEIC Oct 17 2022
  • Technical Info
    1. iPhone SE 29mm f2.2 1/1040s 2. iphone11 26mm f1.8 1/120s 3. iPhone11 26mm f1.8 1/60s

These photos were shot in Brussels' famous Sonian forest 1. title: Older Slower haiku: You delay your spring So I can feel the late sun. Thank you big brother. 2. title: Star-crossed lovers haiku: 'Enjoy eachother. Short life, but at least you loved,' Said the mother beech. 3. title: Gold leaf haiku: Autumn sprinkles gold All over the forest floor. My yellow brick road.

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