People of Darfur

  • Photographer
    Jordan Siegel
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Fuji xt4

Darfur sits in the western region of Sudan. Darfur is often recognized for the past genocide in 2003, killing around 500,000 people. The war in Darfur is now called by the Sudanese a forgotten war. Today, the situation in Darfur is some of the worse violence that's teetering to a possible second genocide. I lived with a tribe in South Darfur and got a taste of the beautiful culture and reliance of the Darfurian people. Instead of photographing the war, I documented daily life. I believe these photos can resonate with the beautiful everyday culture I witnessed, hoping to bring more awareness

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