Spin Club Stories

  • Photographer
    Astrid Reischwitz
  • Prize
    2nd Place / Book/Monograph
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Gloria Crespo MacLennan Photography meets with embroidered to form a tapestry made with threads of memory and history. A compelling way to reflect about our necessity to retain stories and transmit them from one generation to another

  • Date of Photograph

In Spin Club Stories I explore personal and cultural memory influenced by my upbringing in a small farming village in Northern Germany. I use keepsakes from family life, old photographs and embroidered fabric from the village to build a world of memory, identity, and home, that leads into the future. I take cues from the old tradition of spin clubs in my village, where village women met to spin well and create needlework - and share stories while they worked. My own embroidered designs are partial representations of my ancestral linens, emphasizing the fragmentary nature of recollection.

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