
  • Photographer
    Umberto Nicola Nicoletti
  • Prize
    3rd Place / Book/Fine Art
  • Company/Studios
    Umberto Nicoletti
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    1/125, 100 iso, f32

43% of the countries in the world today still have prison or death penalties just for being LGBTQI+. This fine art book portrays the ordeal of LGBTQI+ refugees, asylum seekers who are subject to discrimination and persecution in their home countries based on their gender and sexual orientation. Told visually, it features portraits of asylum seekers and describes the challenges they face during the asylum process. With a foreword by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. Published by Rizzoli New York (May, 16th 2023). First Book. 320 pages.,

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