• Photographer
    William Frej
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    William Frej Photography
  • Date of Photograph
    April 5-8, 2023
  • Technical Info
    1/25 @ f/4.5-1/500 @ f/14, ISO 100-2000, Aperture Priority, DSLR Full Frame

With permission from the village elders of Santa Teresa, Mexico, I had the privilege to photograph the other-worldly Holy Week rituals of this isolated pueblo in 2023. The Indigenous people known as Cora live in Mexico’s rugged Sierra del Nayar. These annual rituals create connections between the people of Santa Teresa and the magical natural forces all around them. The ceremonies of ritual actors painted black and white provide a pathway to ancient Cora cosmology and provide a window into the sense of profundity that comes from existing within a metaphysical reality still held by the Coras.

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