Encounters with my Childhood

  • Photographer
    Jean-Marc BARA
  • Prize
    2nd Place / Special/Other
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Dan Rubin I found myself returning to this series again and again — the careful positioning of the characters, composition of each image, and timing of background elements demands a longer, closer look at each frame, and the story being told in each is clear.

  • Date of Photograph
    Various, I started making this series in 2018.
  • Technical Info
    Made with iPhone. Fixed aperture at f 2.8

One of my fondest childhood memories is when my father would bring me a new book from “The Adventures of Tintin” series. I would read the new book voraciously. My mind would wander off to the far lands Tintin and his dog Snowy (Milou) would visit. Now, when I visit nearby New York or travel, I may bring small plastic figurines. I carefully position them in real-world settings and often patiently await for the right pedestrians to populate the frame. By reimagining these childhood memories through photography, I hope to evoke a sense of nostalgia and spark the viewers' imagination.

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