Network for life

  • Photographer
    Dr. Arunansu De
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    f/10 , 1/5000, 260mm, ISO 250, Nikon D7500 with 20.9 mp CMOS sensor

The local fishermen of Chilka Lake,India do their family's living by catching fish and selling them in the local market. They catch the fishes by throwing hand nets into the lake. Inspite of heavy cloud with fair chances of heavy rainfall, they have to continue fishing with the hand held nets on the tiny boats every day to feed their family. The families are very much depended on them, so they have to take the risk of thunderstorm & bad weather. The fishermen face the danger of being drowned in the extremely poor weather conditions, but they have no other option to run their families.

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