Maulid in Lamu

  • Photographer
    France Leclerc
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
    October 2022
  • Technical Info
    1/800sec, f2.8, ISO 1250 Full-Frame Sensor

Tiny Lamu Island, just off the shore of Eastern Kenya in the Indian Ocean, is home to a medieval town called Lamu Town. Most people in Lamu Island are of the Muslim faith, and Lamu Town hosts a yearly religious festival called Maulid (Mawlid), celebrating the birthday of Prophet Mohammed. This past year, I joined the festivities. Millions of Muslims worldwide celebrate Maulid as a sign of respect and adoration for Mohammed, whom they believe to be God’s messenger. What stayed with me the most is that the version held in Lamu manages to be devotional but also joyous and festive.

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