la maison d'en face

  • Photographer
    Tristan Meers
  • Prize
    1st Place / Special/Night Photography
  • University/School
    Luca School of Arts C-Mine
  • Date of Photograph
    april 25, 2023
  • Technical Info
    30 seconds, ISO 100, f11,0 on Full Frame

We are all used to passing dozens of facades every night. Each facade looks different in its own way. Although we pass all these homes, we hardly ever have any idea who is hiding behind these facades, what is going on there every day and evening. The purpose of the works is to reflect the mystery that surrounds the facades of houses and buildings, especially after the sun goes down. The fear of being caught in the voyeuristic act of photographing the facades with a large camera on a large tripod is a second aspect that is translated to the viewer who becomes a voyeurist himself.

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