Shattered Home

  • Photographer
    Alex Chan Tsz Yuk
  • Prize
    2nd Place / Editorial / Press/War / Conflict
  • Company/Studios
  • University/School
    Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    1/100, f4.5, ISO1600, 24mm, Canon 5D Mark IV

Grandmother Yulia cries as she sits in her home just to see her home was destroyed by shelling in Kyiv on Friday, March 18, 2022, she was lucky as she went to the supermarket to shop for groceries when the Russian missile hits. The missile struck the residential area in the Podilskyi district, Kyiv, killing one civilian and injuring dozens, and 200 people need to be evacuated, shockwave and explosions destroyed countless buildings within several hundred meters, including one school and one kindergarten.

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