The stargazer

  • Photographer
    Jakob Arthur Andersen
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Clearsky Astrofoto
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    20 and 120 seconds, ISO 400, F2.2, Nikon D5500 APS-C, Samyang 24mm

Far, far away he looks out into the infinite universe, among billions of stars, in the hope of getting an answer - Who or what is looking back? Here in the volcano Teide, in Spain, it can feel like beeing on another planet. I wanted this image to convey the wonder, the awe and the immensity of the Milky Way and our universe. This location, with the two opposite cliff faces line up perfectly with the Milky Way very early in the morning - I found it fitting to illuminate the location with my headlight, further highlighting how very small we are when looking at the bigger perspective.

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