Voodoo wrestling in Kinshasa, DRC

  • Photographer
    Jan Grodza
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Caroline Metcalfe Powerful and disturbing in equal measure. A reportage story I haven't seen before which is always a plus.

  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Nikon Z9 + Nikkor Z 24-70 mm

Voodoo wrestling in Kinshasa is an intense and wild entertainment that combines sport, theater and culture.It is a unique form of wrestling that combines physical strength, acrobatics and the influence of voodoo rituals. Wrestlers are often associated with various voodoo cults and perform rituals before each match to enhance their physical and mental abilities. During the match, they perform acrobatic stunts, incredible jumps, throws and various fighting techniques including the use of magic to defeat their opponents. Voodoo Wrestling is also an important part of Congolese culture.

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