Beneath the Pilgrim Moon

  • Photographer
    Simon Roberts
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Claudio Composti This work, with a beautiful aesthetic way, is the perfect and elegant metaphor for our wider experience of the pandemic, where we kept distances from pur lovers and parents, behind a plastic shield done by masks and gloves, in which we understood the importance of relations.

    Jan Corey Helford

  • Company/Studios
    Simon Roberts
  • Date of Photograph

These photographs of veiled sculptures were taken during the second Covid-19 lockdown whilst London’s Victoria and Albert Museum was closed to the public. They were covered for their protection during refurbishment and I conceive of them as a metaphor for our wider experience of the pandemic. Elegant and melancholic, the sculptures seem absorbed in timeless contemplation, trapped in their own mineral universe. The photographs speak of the extraordinary events of the Covid years, of nations shrouded by PPE, covered up behind our masks, suspended in time, restricted of movement and freedoms.

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