The Genius Loci of Puerto Eten

  • Photographer
    Alma Espinoza
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    1/800, f/6.3, EOS 5D Mark IV.

Puerto Eten is an industrial once prosperous small village. Now it lies dormant under their old mountain. Appealing to 'genius loci' Norberg Schulz theory and landscape photography, I try to bring up the essence of the experience of the spirit of the place across its history, the passage of time and memory, to a visual medium. Photographs are written with the language of Puerto Eten territory, formed by currents of sand, sea humidity and morning fog, to evoke introspection, silence and oblivion. That way, photographs appeal to our own experiences so we create our own dreamland Puerto Eten.

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