Assemble the city

  • Photographer
    Xiangsheng Zhang
  • Prize
    1st Place / Architecture/Other
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Jamason Chen These overviews of the city facility look like electronic components. With the circuit design type background they symbolize our man-made landscape functions as a giant computational machine that in someways control our daily life.

  • Company/Studios
    Orange Advertising Agency
  • Date of Photograph

During a chance aerial photo, I found that the structure of the city building was similar to the computer host accessories. Since then, I have found more similar urban structures, including transportation hubs, warehouses, parks, office buildings, etc. I detached these buildings from their environment in order to look more specifically at their structure and function. A computer requires a variety of hardware and software to function properly, and the same is true for cities. This project explores the issues of functionality, complexity and sustainability in urban development by analogy.

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